jason.n.deon [at] gmail.com


Starting in July of 2023, I started working full-time with the Nova Scotia Health Authority as a research statistician, working with Dr. Rudolf Uher and Dr. Frank Rudzicz. I also collaborate with CAN-BIND. My work involves managing datasets for various research projects in mental health and conducting statistical analyses, using both traditional statistics and machine learning. Most recently, our group is focused on using speech analysis to inform solutions for patients with depression.

In 2019, I began a PhD in Computer Science at Dalhousie University under Dr. Sageev Oore, where I was also affiliated with Vector Institute. My projects there involved creating new, innovative tools for music creators, and furthering general music understanding for machine learning models. More broadly, I worked with sequence models for prediction and generation. I was also (and still am) interested learning representations that are useful for multiple downstream tasks.

Before Dalhousie, I completed an MMath degree in Pure Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, where I studied Riemannian geometry and its applications to machine learning. I also have a BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science from Saint Mary's University, during which I was involved in a wide range of research labs, studying topics such as machine learning, data science, graph theory, and nanochemistry.

Piano and Music Production

I am a musician hobbyist, starting way back in piano lessons in third grade. I have a great love for the piano, specifically this one:
In most recent years, I tend to play classical pieces (my favourite composers are Chopin and Rachmaninoff), but I also occasionally play jazz or music from the soundtracks of video games or movies. Sometimes I put on recitals for family and friends or do personal recordings. Below are two excerpts I recorded, which are written by Rachmaninoff and Vince Guaraldi respectively.
Moment Musicaux No. 5
Happiness Is
When I am in the mood, I will sometimes write my own music, mostly inspired by soundtracks from video games I have played. I typically work with MIDI and soundfonts as opposed to recording actual acoustic or electric instruments. Here are three samples of original tunes created with MIDI using various restrictions: the first uses a variety of free public domain soundfonts; the second uses soundfonts from a SNES game, Secret of Mana; the third uses synths emulating a Game Boy soundchip.
Bossa Nova
Secret of Mana
8-bit Theme

Recreational Math

I use math in much of the work I do, but I also get great pleasure from diving into the vastness that is pure mathematics (the study of math without intending to apply it practically). One of the websites that also does a good job of reminding me what I love about math is Project Euler, which contains a large repository of challenging math problems, typically tackled with programming. As of 2022, there are now over 800 archived problems, of which I have solved over 200. My personal favourite problems in terms of cleverness and elegance include #148, which uncovers some beautiful patterns in Pascal's Triangle, and #202, where the right perspective turns a continuous problem into a discrete one.

Unpublished Works

Here are a list of writings I have worked on that are not otherwise shared on the internet.

Master's Research Paper

Applications of Information Geometry to Machine Learning
Jason d'Eon
University of Waterloo, 2019

Expository Math

Partitions of Fibonacci numbers into distinct Fibonacci parts
Jason d'Eon
An Application of Duality
Jason d'Eon